Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's been Forever

I Know it's been forever since i posted so i have a lot to catch up on...... Well lets see what was first we went out with our friends to K1 speed and rode some go karts and her are some pictures from that

We then went to the Sand Dunes with the Family and Rode our motorcycles, We had a great trip and everything went smoothly except for Alec crashing..... He's ok but got a couple battle wounds to prove it...... sorry didn't get pictures of those. Here are some of the ones that I did get.......

Then After we came home from the dunes the week Later was thanksgiving and we Had it with the Bogh Side of the family this year. It was at carolyn and micheals house and we had a great time she made the turkey and everyone else brought the sides, I think the dinner turned out great.......

I think that was all the Activites that we had I will try to post more often. Hope you enjoy!!!!


Liesl Law said...

in the group shot (largest group)who is in the Cubs shirt next to you, and the boy behind him, and the redish pink shirt under Carolyn? And then I also don't recognize who is between Vicki and Chris? (I am sorry if I am suppose to recognize these guys, it has been WAY to long!)

Looks like you had a great time!

Natalie said...

Cute, Stacy. Looks like you guys have had some fun things to do. Liesl...Steven's girlfriend, Sarena, is on the couch next to my mom and the two kids you don't know are her kids, Katelynn and Dylan.

sara said...

everything looks fun! and i really like you hair in those first set of photos at the k1 place.

The Kubelka's said...

No wonder we never hear from you. You are busy busy.