Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mama Mia!!

For Wendy's Twenty-fifth Birthday we went to Vegas and rented a suite at mandalay Bay!!! It Was Huge!!! We also went to see Mama Mia on stage, and boy was that a blast!!! There was a gay guy in the front row and he was dancing in the aisle... I thought they were going to pull him up on stage, But they didn't. The Boys came to join us after and we stayed in vegas for a couple of days and just enjoyed ourselves!!!

This was the celing to floor Chocalate fountain!!!

Going Out to Our show!!!!!

The Whole Family In The Bellegio!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fourth of July At U Of R!!!

Fourth of july was so much Fun!!! We first went over to Mom Bogh's house and swam with the family there, we or course ate, and had a great time..... Then our friends ryan and Katie came over to pick us up and we went to the U of R with them. It was a blast.... Nathan was so much fun to watch when the airplanes and the skydivers came in. We also enjoyed the entertainers. I did miss the home made Ice Cream that we have at aunt Lynn's house though!!!!

Project Mayhem!!! The Famous Football Team

This is a football team that spencer plays on with his buddies!!! He really enjoys playing and it gives him a way to exercise..... I enjoy going to watch him play. There has been a fair share of problems with getting furstrated at some of the games, but I think the guys really like playing together. I really hope that the frustration is about the game and not at the guys that play on the team..... If it is that is really sad. These guys have been good friends for a while and I dont know why playing football would change it!!!