Well the other day we had Cody in the hot tub and he was really enjoying it, But it was pretty cold outside and I think with getting in and out of the hot tub and with other things going on Cody got sick.
He started having a cough and then it turned into him breathing really hard and wheezing so I took him to the doctor and they told me that it was Inflammation of the airways and that if it gets worse that he would be admitted to the hospital. They sent me home with breathing treatments and he has to have those three times a day. He is a really good boy during them and I think that they are helping him a little bit. We will have to wait and see. Please pray for my boy that he will get better.
It is no fun when your children are sick. Good luck and hope that he gets feeling better soon.
Poor little guy! Hope he is better soon
Oh NO!!!! Poor baby! I hope he gets better soon!
My youngest girl had those at 2 months old! It was horrible. Good luck and hope it goes quickly.
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